
                           Operators and expressions

C language supports a set of built in operators such as =, +, -, *, /, <, >, etc all are symbol that tell the computer to perform task or any mathematical or logical operation. Operators are use to manipulate the data and variables. There are some types of operators like,
1.       Arithmetic operators
2.       Relational operators
3.       Logical operators
4.       Assignment operators
5.       Increment and decrement operators
6.       Conditional operators
7.       Bitwise operators
8.       Special operators

Arithmetic operator:- arithmetic operator means the arithmetic operation done through those operator. The basic arithmetic operators are +, -, /, *
Modulo division

Integer operation:
Addition : the addition operator are use to add the two operand.
A = 5 + 10 means add 5 and 10 and store the value 15 in A.
Subtraction: the subtract operator is used to subtract the value from left operand to the right operand .
A = 5 – 10 means subtract 10 from 5 and store the value in A.
Multiplication: the multiplication operator is used to multiply the operand to each other.
A = 5 * 10 means multiply the operand to each other and store the value in A.
If the expression is A = 10 * 3.5 the result will not get as our expected, we will expect the result is 17.5 but the result we get that is 17 because the variable is an integer type and can’t store the fractional part so we get the result like that.
Division: division operator is used to divide the right operand from the left operand and store the value in A.

Real/floating-point operation:  The real operation means the arithmetic operation between the real operand and we can do this type of operation through float data type, float is real data type where we can work with the fractional numbers.
Addition : the addition operator are use to add the two operand.
A = 5 + 10.5 means add 5 and 10.5 and store the value 15.5 in A. As the operand/variable is float type.
Subtraction: the subtract operator is used to subtract the value from left operand to the right operand .
A = 5.5 – 10 means subtract 10 from 5.5 and store the value -4.5 in A, as the operand is a real type variable or float type that’s why we can store the exponential value in A.
Multiplication: the multiplication operator is used to multiply the operand to each other.
A = 5 * 10.5 means multiply the operand to each other and store the value 52 in A.
Division: division operator is used to divide the right operand from the left operand and store the value in A.
A = 10 /3 the result will be 3.333333 as expected, here we get the perfect result because the variable is real type that why the variable can hold the floating point result.

2. Relational operators: relational operator means the operator which compares two operands depends on their relation and the value, for example if we compare two marks then this type of comparison can be done with the relational operator, like >, <.
C support the different types of relational operators.


Less than
Greater than
Less than equal to
Greater than equal to
Not equal

Example of some relational operation:

Less than (<) : 5<10 means is 5 less than 10, 5 < 10 expression is true.
Greater than(>) : 5 > 10 means is 5 greater than 10 expression is false
Less equal to: 10<= 9 means is 10 less or equal to 9 expression is true
10 <= 10 means is 10 is less or equal to 10 expression is true
10 <= 11 means is 10 less or equal to 11 expression is false because does not fulfil any one criteria.
     Not equal : not equal means complement of the operand, if any expression is ( A! = 5 ) means   if the value of ‘A’ is 5 then the result will be false other wise any value of the operand ‘A’ is true except 5 .

Logical operator: when we want to compare the two or more relation with the logical operators.
C has the following logical operators.
&&  is logical AND
|| is logical OR
! is logical NOT
Operator 1
Operator 2
AND operation
OR operation
Non zero
Non zero
Non zero
Non zero

Logical AND : when the both expression are true then logical AND returns true value and if one of them are false then the logical and return false or zero(0), if both two expression are false then also the logical AND returns false or zero.

(10 > 5) && (8>10) is false because the left expression which is 10 > 5 is true but the left expression which is 8 > 10 false but the logical OR operator return false if any of the expression is false.

Expression 1
Expression 2
Exp 1  && Exp 2
Exp 1 || Exp 2

Logical OR : when one of the two expression is true then logical OR returns true if both of expression is false then the logical or returns false or zero(0).
(10 > 5) ||(8>10) is true because the left expression which is 10 > 5 is true but the left expression which is 8 > 10 false but the logical OR operator return true if any of the expression is true.
Logical Not : Logical not means the complement if the expression is true then the logical not returns false if false then returns true.

Assignment operator : Assignment operator is used to assign a value or the result of an expression to a variable.
 if A = 10 that means put the value 10 into ‘A’ which is assign a value in ‘A’.
If A = 10 * 5 that means we have to complete the operation that means 10 * 5 result is 50 and then put the value 50 in ‘A’
There are some concept of shorthand operator means A += 10 * 5 that means first multiply 10 and 5 and then add with value of variable ‘A’ and store the final value in ‘A’. A +=10 * 5 is same as A = A + (10 * 5).
Increment and decrement operator: standard C language support the increment and decrement operator which are used to increment and decrement. The increment operator is ++ and decrement operator is – , and the operators are unary operator.
Example:  A++ means increment one the value of ‘A’ and store the new value in ‘A’. If A = 10 and apply A++ that means increment one the value of ‘A’ and store the value 11 in ‘A’A++ is equal to a = a + 1 and ++A is also is same.
A-- means decrement one the value of ‘A’ and store the new value in ‘A’. If A = 10 and apply A-- that means decrement one the value of ‘A’ and store the value 9 in ‘A’, A-- is equal to a = a - 1 and A-- is also is same.
The increment and decrement operator are two types pre increment and pre decrement and post increment and post decrement.


Pre operation : pre operation two types one is pre increment and other one is predecrement operation.
If A = 10, A ++ and ++ A are same both increment one but there is some differences when we apply them  in a programme.
A = 10;                                                                         A = 10
Printf(“%d”, ++A);                                                  printf(“%d”,A++);
Output : 11                                                                Output: 10
The pre increment or pre decrement and post increment or post decrement concept is that both operations are same thing but if there is an expression then the pre operation is

Conditional operator: In C the conditional operator is “? :” also called ternary operator, when we construct any conditional expression.
Example :   A = 10                                                                                   
                       B = 5
                       X =( A > B ) ? A : B;
Here we use three variable A =10, B = 5, and the result of the expression is the value of X. The meaning of the expression is  ‘A’ is greater than B then, if the condition is true then return the true part that is ‘A’ if the condition is false then return the false part that is ‘B’.
(expression 1 CONDITION expression 2 ) ? true statement : false statement

Here expression 1 is ‘A’ and expression 2 is ‘B’ and the condition is greater than operator ( >) and true statement is ‘A’ and false statement is ‘B’.
Bitwise operator : standard C language support special type of operators that can manipulate the bit level is call bitwise operator, bitwise operator is very use full for bit shifting operation.
The bitwise operators are :

Bitewise AND
Bitwise OR
Bitwise exclusive OR
Left shift
Right shift
