Introduction to C language

Introduction to C language:

To know about C language at first we have to know what is language. Language means to express yourself to others by spoken or may written and consisting use of words in a proper structured and conventional way. There are many language are present in the world and each an every have it's own style, own format and own structure and a proper way to express.

Computer language is also like as our languages. Computer is a machine, a electronic calculating device. through computer language we can instruct the computer and then the computer perform the process and give some output. The process of instruction by language is called program, and a software is a collection of some program.

C language was not develop very easily, after modification of many languages the result was C language. The history of C language is as follows.

ALGOL : ALGOL stands for Algorithmic Language which is developed in the middle of 1950 and influenced by different language. The paradigm of ALGOL is procedural, structured, imperative. There are some ALGOL like language are, C, Simula, Pascal, Ada  .

BCPL:  BCPL stands for (Basic Combined Programming Language) developed by Martin Richards. The paradigm of ALGOL is procedural, structured, imperative.Influenced B, C etc.

B:  B is a programming language designed by Ken Thomson developed by Ken Thomson and Dennis Ritchie at Bell labs in 1970. B was derived from BCPL.

Traditional C language: The C programming language is procedural, structured, imperative. This is high level programming language. Developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs. Also called middle level language because with C language we are doing the low level work like directly instruct the hardware.

K & R C: This is a informal C programming language.

ANSI C: The successive standard publish by the American National Standard Institute.

ANSI/ISO C:  American National Standard Institute(ANSI) and International Standard Organization(ISO) combine to standardize the C language. 
